Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Not a Good Week!

Just wanted to check in and let everyone know that I won't be posting this week. Right now I am getting sick with the sinus thingy! Yuck!! And Friday A.M. we will be leaving for Warrenton Virginia for my SIL 50th B-Day. So I have alot of stuff to get done here around the house.I have to take things to GW (and maybe check some things out too HE! HE!) I need to put some things in the dry cleaners,clean house all the time going thru this sickness.I feel like not doing anything and climbing in the bed with the covers over my head and sleep,sleep,sleep! But this is the real world and I can't do that. So,onward I go. I will be checking on everyones site this week because I can't stay completely away! But I hope everyone has a Blessed week and maybe I'll have some good stuff to share when I get back.


•♦•©The Olde Weeping Cedar •♦• said...

sending *feel better hugs* your way! Whata bummer...sorry you're not feeling well, hope you are feeling a lot better by Friday! I hope you have a wonderful time in VA. Have a safe trip!


Shell in your Pocket said...

Hope you feel better really soon!!!
Have a great trip!-Sandy toes

Yankee Ridge Primitives said...

Awwww, Hope you kick that thing SOON! Have you ever tried ACF? It really works and fast. Its ALL natural, I get mine at the Chiro but Im sure you can get it online.

CozyGirl said...

That's so miserable to be sick and have to do all that ~ I hope you feel better real quick! Have a good day!:-)Janae

Diane at Crafty Passions said...

I hope you feel better soon!!!
Have a good trip!

Robin Beck said...

Feel better Juanita!

We will all be here when you get back! Have fun in VA!


JenW!~ said...

Boy do I know what your feeling. I just got over the sinus thing. I lost a whole week because of it. Take care of yourself and hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon, okay!?
You said you had something for me.
I'm wondering what it is!

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

Have a fun, safe trip and feel better soon!

Something Nice and Pretty said...

OH, I hope sure hope you feel better soon, I used to suffer with it every spring and fall but I must have grown out of it because I never bothered with it anymore:)
We all we be here when you get back...have a safe trip!

Justina said...

Hope you feel better, but have a great trip! Justina

My Colonial Home said...

Gosh Juanita, I hope this thing leaves you soon...I can feel for you with that - I get it often and it's misserable.
Just try and enjoy yourselft once you leave the house - relax in teh car on the way and rest.
Have a safe and wonderful trip.
Also, thanks for the e-mail...you are in the drawing and your Blog is wonderful.

Gettysburg Homestead said...

I am right there with you. My sinuses kicked in Friday ughhh!!!! Hope your feeling better soon!
