Sunday, October 19, 2008

I've Been Tagged and My2nd Award

Hello all! I, or I should say WE had a wonderful weekend.We (hubby and I) went ATV"ing in Georgia. It is in the NE part of Georgia called "Durhamtown" We had so much fun and was very sore!! We met up with a friend who my DH works with named Nate and his wife Beth and 2 of their 3 children. Me and Beth hit it off really well. She taught me how to basket weave and I am attempting to make a bowl..we'll see how that turns out LOL!!

I got back here late Saturday night and missed everyone so much I had to see what had been going on. And Lo and behold I had been tagged and had been given a 2nd award. I appreciate it and
am wondering what interesting things I could tell about myself. So lets give it a try...

First of all Janae from CozyCoops Corner Tagged me.

1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here are 7 facts about me~

1) I am a deacon's wife.
2) I married when I was 18
3)I love anything chocolate with nuts!
4)I lost my father when I was 6 yrs. old to alcoholism
5)I have 4brothers and 2 sisters
6)I do not eat onions or green peppers
7)I love watching scary movies but keep my eyes covered the whole time!

Here are the blogger friends that I'll tag and if you've already been tagged or have done something like this before then don't feel like you have to do it again :-)

Kath-The Olde Weeping Cedar
Rondell-~Tomatoe Creek Prims~
Tammy- This Country Girl
Gettysburg Homestead
Black Sheep Lisa
Angie-Simple Thyme Primitives
Ann-Marie-This Simple life

And then for my 2nd award I received from Debbie @Shell In Your Pocket. She has become a wonderful friend and I enjoy reading all about her. So if you get a chance go check her out and have a peek at her new look.

You need to list six things that make you happy, and pass this award on to six creative bloggers.
Things that make me happy....

1)My family (of course)
2)Meeting new friends
3)Curling up on the couch on a rainy day with a good chic flick
4)Hearing my Anna Rae calling for her MiMi
5)Seeing someone else giving their life to the Lord
6)Seeing my Dh come home from work!
I pass this blog to some amazing bloggers...

Justina-pepper creek gatherings
Angie -sugar plum patch
Shari -cranapple christmas
Trudy -Bits of wool
Pam-basketsn prims
Kim -simple needs
Kath-the olde weeping cedar

Thanks to both of these special friends. Please go check out their amazing blogs. And Thanks again girls!! Have a blessed day!


Shell in your Pocket said...

I cover my eyes the whole time, too!Even commercials!
Happy Monday!

Ann said...

Thanks you so much, it' means a lot to me every single time someone thinks about me. It makes a person feel good to get tagged or get an award. I have told 7 things about me several times so I think I will sit this one out. Have a fabulous day!

•♦•©The Olde Weeping Cedar •♦• said...

Thanks Juanita...this is my FIRST AWARD..and 'tag' :)
I am so happy you thought of me!
Have a wonderful day!!


Jill said...

Lol, are you sure we were not seperated at birth? I am a preachers daughter, love scary movies and do not eat oions or green peppers!

Jill said...

lol, I married when I was 18 too......forgot that one!

Tammy said...

Congratulations on your award and I loved reading your answers! I have met several blogging friends now that have gotten married at 18! And to think I was just the opposite, not getting married until 32!!!

Robin Beck said...

Congrats Juanita!
Your blog is just beautiful!
Have a great week-Be blessed~♥

Diane at Crafty Passions said...

Congratulations on your awards !Its a sweet blog
Diane at Crafty Passions

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...


Thanks so much for the tag...I'll try to do that a post real soon. I did some random things about myself not too long ago, but I bet I can think of more! Hmm..I'll start thinking! Thanks for thinking of me!

Have a great day!

Justina said...

Thank You for the awesome award! I'm glad you found me.. Your blog is great! Hope to get to know you better.. Justina

basketsnprims said...

Thanks so much for the award. I feel honored. I enjoyed reading about you & learning a little more. I will post sometime today. Thanks again, & I am adding you to my bloglist.

Black Sheep Lisa said...

I will post my tag info tomorrow.
Thanks for thinking of me!
hugs and blessings

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Great that you got these blogs, and of course you deserve them. How fun. I enjoy your blog and think you do a great job on your posts. Congratulations.

My Colonial Home said...

I will try and get it on today. Hopefully I will nominate people that haven't received it yet! This is getting difficult to find those that haven't been nominated for the same
But what fun!

Blondie ~ Vintage Primitives said...

Hi there J!
Thanks for visiting my blog! I am really enjoying my visit to yours. I also see you visited Warrenton Va recently? I lived there a long time ago back in the early 70's - actually a little bump in the road outside of Warrenton called Opal.
I'll be back to visit again; hope you will visit me again as well.
God bless you real good!