Thursday, October 9, 2008

Decorating and a great giveaway!!

O.K. all- I did a little decorating and rearranging yesterday and wanted to share a couple of pics with you of my home. It is a work in progress and I know I have so much more to do. But, thanks to all my friends I am getting so many ideas.

Here are some of my dining room- I have only found 3 domes for my plates and I need 3 more so I'm still looking!!

Like I said it is a work in progress. So in time it will be like I want it.
The next pics are of my LR

This is a pic of the

sample I bought at GW

and also a little shelf.

I painted the shelf black.

(Did I do good Rondell?)

I would like to fix my old ironing board different with maybe a tea stained Little dress or something. But I can't set it upright.Who knows maybe I'm doing something wrong. I also want to try and do some prim towels but I need to learn how to do a stitchery on them and stain them. I know how to do a basic stitch is that how you do it? Also I need a recipe for coffee or tea staining whichever one is best.Rondell, I went back to your beginning and seen some stitchery in a little frame and I loved it!! I just need some help girls!!

Like I said in one of my earlier posts..I want to learn how to craft and I do catch on easy if someone would just show me.Now,cooking...I can do.And I love it too!! Well, I wanted to try and get this post in because I probably won't be back until Monday. I have got to get my stuff together for the yard sale Saturday.I'll be thinking of you guys.Have a blessed day!

Also before I forget look at this great giveaway go on over and sign up.But really there is no use because I need this for my entryway and I'm winning it!! LOL


Raggedy Angel said...

Hey...Looking good, I love your washstand! Thanks for posting my giveaway! Beth

Something Nice and Pretty said...

Your doing great:) Good job on the shelf too.

If you know a basic stitch you can to stitcheries. On my blog I have a link "Twigs n Sprigs" click on it on the left go down to Twig tuqes (I know Im spelling that wrong:) she tells you what you need to stitch and also has listed other crafts and how to do them. I use a Mark-be-gone marker for my stitcheries, I draw them free hand because I use different types of fabric that you can't see thur such as a feedsack. Oh, she also has free patterns:0
Thanks so much for mentioning me on your post today that was so sweet and if you have any questions email me at rondell1951athotmaildotcom.

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Hi there!

Guess what? Hop on over to my blog and check it out! You WON my giveaway! I'm so excited the fall goodies and bench are going to a great home! All your decor looks great...I hope you enjoy the extra goodies now! Congratulations!


JenW!~ said...

Great job on the decor. I love the Singer my grandma has one that I am trying to talk her into letting me have but so far no luck. Wanna come over and help me decorate?LOL

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Everything looks really nice!

Something Nice and Pretty said...

Congrats!!! You'll have to take pics of where you put everything:)

Shell in your Pocket said...

You are ready for Fall and the season!!!
Very nice!
-Sandy Toes

ohiofarmgirl said...

Your home looks wonderful. Did you ever think of painting the back wall of your would look so wonderful and make your collectables stand out so much more! Dianntha

Samantha said...

Good for you, working on those decorations. I still haven't gotten anything down from the attic yet for fall! Before I know it, it will time for Christmas and I will have missed the whole autumn season (wouldn't be the first time....)

Back in the Day said...

Found your blog while surfing! Love it - adding you to my faves! Love the pics of your home! Great job! Very inviting!

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

Everything looks great! I love your pie tins on the wall, or they look like pie tins! LOL! That is a cute little dry sink too!
Have a great yard sale. I hope you sell everything!

The Terry Family said...

You go Juanita - one small complaint though - why have you not invited me over to see this?!?! Oh well, you know me - I'm coming anyway!! Looks like you are having way too much fun staying at home!! I LOVE IT!!

Wendy/TheCozyYellowHouse said...

Congratulations on winning Tammy's giveaway!!! It will look great in your home which is looking great by the way!! Have a great weekend!!

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Everything looks great, and I like the black shelf...there is something about black isn't there?
My hubby is dragging his feet on black, I did shabby chic and white for so long I think he panics at me bringing black in the house!! Hahahaha...I just send him outside with more seeds to plant...I have to keep him busy! You did a good job putting things together, and I like your wooden ironing board, I have one that's great...but I iron on it!

Sue said...

Everything looks great!!!

Know you are proud of it all....Thanks for adding me to your following list...I truly appreciate it...

Kelli said...

You have added so many pretty and cozy autumn decorations to your home!