Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Surprises and Bread

Good Morning all,
Whew,did alot of "going thru"boxes yesterday.My MIL passed away about 3 years ago and we moved my FIL in with us.And with him came there home. We packed everything in boxes and stored them in a huge storage room in our basement.We have gone thru it here and there but nothing major.And I have finally decided that enough is enough.And I am going thru everything and having a yard sale.Some stuff i am putting on ebay.
Well anyhoo, you first need to understand my MIL kept everything!! There was boxes of stuff packed away in her storage room that we didn't even know what was in them.As i was going thru the boxes I found alot of surprises! I found these old canning jars....

Some are Ball some are Atlas and I found 1 that says Presto. I also found a 1/2 gallon Ball that had a 2 piece lid and the writing was different on it. I looked it up and believe it is from the late 1800's.

I also found a box that says "Blue Lamp" and I found these 3 pieces in it. I don't believe that all the pieces are here so I am going to keep on digging.As I was going thru all these boxes (not even 1/2 half of them yet) i think of how it is so sad that her life is in these boxes and she probably never thought that one day her daughter-in-law would be going thru them.And how all of her life is being sold in a yard sale or auctioned off on ebay.She was an incredible woman and I loved her and respected dearly.But then there are the things that I have of hers that I will cherish dearly,her handmade quilts,afghans,family albums and so on.

On another note,over the weekend I found a wonderful site of a woman named Kelli and seen the most wonderful recipe for Cream Cheese Banana Nut Bread. Of course I had to whip it up

and bake it. And here is the finished product....

It was absolutely wonderful!! I encourage everyone to go over to her site and look at all the fun stuff she has going onhttp://kellishouse.blogspot.com/ Thanks to Debbie @ ribbonwood cottage for the referral!!I hope everyone has a blessed day.


Something Nice and Pretty said...

I love those canning jars!!!
The recipe looks so good too!
Have a wonderful day.

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Oh what great jars you found.

The bread looks yummy. Kelli does have a wonderful site doesn't she?

Ann said...

What you have is three lamp shades.

What a bitter sweet time it most be to go threw those boxes , have fun.

Debra said...

Oh I think I will have to try that...it looks yummy!!

My husband loves collecting all types of bottles and jars.

Samantha said...

What treasures you discovered... And by the way, if I haven't already mentioned it... your kids are just Beautiful!!

Picket said...

Hey friend!!!! Welcome to blogland and thanks so much for coming by to visit my place....I love old canning jars and that recipe sounds fantastic..I will have to copy that one...love those pics of your two beautiful little 'treasures' on the side bar! We are expecting our 12th grandbaby to make her appearance into this wordld on Monday! lol I hope all is well on your side of the mountain and please come by anytime...tkae care girl and have a beautiful week!

Kindra-At Home With K said...

There's no place like home blog is wonderful! It's full of fun recipes, decorating, crafting and much more!

Love all those old jars! Can't have enough of those! Have a great weekend.

basketsnprims said...

Those canning jars are wonderful & 1/2 gallon ones are few & far between. I will definitely try the bread & visit her blog. Your kids are little dolls.


Celene said...

I love canning jars. I have some that I have hot glued rusty metal stars and pip berries on and gingham homespun and filled them with things like buttons and sea shells. They look great. Thanks for entering my jewelry giveaway at Wood n' Whimsy. Good luck and God Bless, Celene

Joy said...

I have some old canning jars that belonged to my grandmother. I love them, and I've added a few more to the collection.
The bread sounds absolutely delicious!
Have a delightful weekend.